NRI Banking: Home >>ICICI Bank Financial Educational Zone >> Good Habits of Personal Finance

Good Habits of Personal Finance

  • Manage your expenses so they don't exceed your income.
  • Spend money thinking of your future as well as your present.
  • Begin saving early to take advantage of compound interest
  • Avoid collecting credit cards and using them for borrowing
  • Always honour your debts and other financial obligations
  • Project your income and expenses for the next 12 months and track variances
  • Focus on the relationship between the risk and projected return of investments
  • Maintain organized records for tax and general financial planning purposes
  • Have a plan and a purpose for your investing
  • Obtain a financial education to be in a position to make intelligent financial decisions
Types of Account
  • Update your Contact Details regularly
  • Use Internet Banking
  • Transact regularly

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Safe Banking

Latest RBI Regulations

Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account

Master Circular of instructions relating to deposits held in FCNR (B) Accounts

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