3 in 1 Account Brokerage Calculator
Compare and choose Prime Brokerage Plan as per your investment pattern
Transaction | Date | Credit (₹) | Debit (₹) | Day End Balance (₹) | Savings Due To Interest |
Amount Transferred / Blocked |
- |
ICICI Direct Prime Plans
*Interest earned @ 3% due to linked ICICIdirect A/C with ICICI Bank SB A/C
Buy & Sell are delivery/cash transactions
Excluding GST & other statutory charges
DP Sell charges for ICICIdirect Prime account is ₹20
DP Sell charges for other competitors account is ₹13.5
*The above stated illustration is for representation purposes only and does not indicate the actual transactions costs and capital appreciation of the clients. The interest component solely depends on the funds available in 3-in-1 account model. Please note Brokerage would not exceed the SEBI prescribed limit.