NRI Definitions

  • An Non Resident Indian (NRI) is an Indian Citizen who resides in India for less than one hundred & eighty two days during the course of the preceding financial year, or
  • who has gone out of India or who stays outside India for the purpose of employment, or
  • who has gone out of India or who stays outside India for carrying on business or vocation outside India, or
  • who has gone out of India or who stays outside India for any other purpose indicating his intention to stay outside India for an uncertain period.
PIO stands for Person of Indian Origin
A citizen of a foreign country (other than a citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan) is a PIO if
  • he/ she at any time held an Indian passport; OR
  • he/ she or either of his/ her parents or eitherany of his/ her grandparents was a citizen of India; OR
  • he/ she is a spouse (not being a citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan) of an Indian citizen or (a) or (b) above.
Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)

In case of cross border transactions, the income may be taxed in the home country (basis tax residency) as well as source country (where income is earned) leading to double taxation of the same income. In order to avoid this double taxation of income, the home and the source country mutually enter into tax treaty generally known as DTAA.

As per DTAA, generally the income may be taxed at a lower rate or nil rate in the source country. To avail the benefit of DTAA in India, Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) along with Form 10 F and Permanent Account Number (PAN) is to be furnished. Wherever tax is applicable as per the DTAA, if the PAN is not furnished ,benefit of concessional rate as per the DTAA shall not be available.

In case any interest income is recieved by a non resident from India ,tax is liable to be deducted at the rate of 20%+ applicable surcharge and cess as per the Indian tax laws except in case of FCNR deposits and NRE deposits where no tax is applicable. But in case India has a treaty with the country of residence of the recepient, tax will be deducted at a lower rate provided a valid TRC along with Form 10 F and a PAN is provided and hence a higher post tax return will be received by the depositor. Also a credit can be claimed for the taxes deducted in the source country, from tax payable in the home country.

For more information on DTAA & documents, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us at

Types of Account
  • Update your Contact Details regularly
  • Use Internet Banking
  • Transact regularly

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