Terms and Conditions for opening Recurring Deposit
- On submission of a request for opening a recurring deposit account, a standing instruction will be set up to debit installments to the indicated savings account every month for the tenure and amount selected.
- The first installment amount will be debited on the account opening date. The subsequent installments will be debited as per the standing instruction date selected.
- Recurring Deposit Account will be created within 1 working day.
- Recurring Deposits are opened for a minimum amount of Rs.500/- and in multiples of Rs.100/-.
- Recurring Deposit will be created subject to sufficient availability of funds in your Account.
- Amount for Deposit will be debited from the Savings Account selected by you.
- To register a nominee for your Fixed Deposit / Recurring Deposit, please visit any branch and submit the nomination request form available with the branch
- Tenure of Recurring Deposit should be in multiples of 3 months - minimum of 6 months and maximum of 10 years. For interest rate, please click here
- On pre-mature withdrawal of the deposit, interest will be calculated at the rate applicable for the period the deposit has actually remained with ICICI Bank, less applicable premature withdrawal penal rate.
- Penalty is charged at monthly interest at the rate of Rs.12 per Rs.1000 for all delayed installments.
- Fraction of a month will be treated as full month for the purpose of calculating such interest.
- The total interest so chargeable shall be recovered from the total amount of interest payable at the time of maturity.
- You can check the new Recurring Deposit(s) created using ICICIBank.com in My Accounts Page.
- On maturity the funds will be credited to the Savings Account selected by you for opening the RD.
- The first installment shall be debited on the date of opening of the recurring deposit account. Subsequent installments shall be debited on the selected day of the month.
- If a standing instruction date or closure instruction date of a Recurring Deposit falls on a Sunday or public holiday, its date of execution shown in the account is at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank.
- Please select the account number from which the Fixed Deposit should be opened.
- This request will not be processed, if
- Your account is dormant/inactive
- Your account has insufficient balance for opening of Fixed Deposit
- You are a Senior Citizen and your Date of Birth is not updated for your account
- If you have provided your mobile number or e-mail ID, we will inform you about the closure of your request by SMS or e-mail respectively. Providing the mobile number or e-mail ID here will not result in an update of your mobile number or e-mail ID as recorded with us.
- ICICI Bank does not take any responsibility, and will also not be liable, for your claims, if the details provided by you are incorrect/incomplete.
- If you are re-trying, first please check the status of your previous request.