Discontinued Accounts
What are the charges of current account?
To get complete details of service and charges for current account click here
What are the benefits of current account available under BizSavings account?
There is various type of Smart Business Account which are available to meet all your business requirement. To get complete details for Current Account and its benefits and features click here.
What are the charges for non-maintenance of balance at in BizSavings Account?
There are no charges for non-maintenance in BizSavings Account.
Balance is required to be maintained at family ID level for BizSavings Account and if the required average balance as per product type i.e. Gold or Titanium is not maintained for a quarter the family will delinked
Can I link my minor kids account as well in BizSavings Account family ID?
Yes, acceptable relations for savings account linking are parents, spouse, siblings, children, in-laws & your HUF
I am an existing current account holder of ICICI Bank. Can I avail this facility?
Yes. You have can avail by opening a BizSavings Account with and linking it under family ID. Linking request can be given at the time of opening your savings account. For additional details you can visit the nearby branch or call your relationship manager.
To locate nearby branch, click here
What is minimum and maximum number of family members that can be linked to a BizSavings Account Family ID?
Minimum 2 members i.e.1 Primary (Savings Account) and 1-member account (Current Account) are required to form a CASA Family. Maximum 6 members i.e. 1 Primary member (Savings Account) and upto 5 additional family members (Combination of savings & current account) is required to create a CASA Family ID.
Who all can enroll for customer 360 proposition?
- Customer who do not have any savings or current account relationship with us
- Customer is existing current account holder of ICICI Bank but does not have savings account
- Customer is existing savings account holder of ICICI Bank but does not have current account
- Customer is existing current & savings account holder of ICICI Bank but not linked to CASA Family ID
What are benefits for availing ICICI Bank BizSavings Account?
Benefits for availing ICICI Bank BizSavings Account Proposition
- You need to maintain balance in all your accounts with ICICI Bank separately
- You get an option to maintain lower minimum monthly average balance at the family level by linking all your accounts held in ICICI Bank to BizSavings family ID
- You can your current account & savings account of self & family under one family ID
- You will not be charged for non-maintenance of balance at family ID level
- Your Fixed Deposit held with ICICI Bank in your current & savings account will also be considered in the overall balance calculation at family ID level
What is the eligibility criteria for opting ICICI Bank BizSavings Account?
You should have a min one current account & one savings account linked to family ID to avail ICICI Bank BizSavings Account