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Insurance Max Cover Contact Number
Personal Air Accident Cover - Death only. ₹10,00,000 1800-2666
Missing of Connecting International Flight During Transit USD 300 1800-2666
Loss of Travel Documents (Passport, Visa, Tickets) USD 500 1800-2666
Plane Hijacking Up to USD 3,000 1800-2666
Delay in Receipt of Checked Baggage USD 300 1800-2666
Lost Card Liability Insurance Cover ₹5,00,000 ICICI Bank Customer Care
Counterfeit Card Liability Insurance Cover ₹5,00,000 ICICI Bank Customer Care


For Insurance claims, please contact ICICI Lombard General Insurance on Toll-free Number 1800-2666. You can also e-mail at ihealthcare@icicilombard.com. ICICI Lombard Officer takes down the claim information from the customer. Checks based on the card number provided for the cover applicable. Forwards the information to the expert for claim validity. If the claim is valid, customer is forwarded the claim form along with the list of supporting documents required. The cheque is sent to the customer within 30 days.

For more information, please refer



Terms and Conditions

  • All the coverages mentioned are valid only for the duration of the trip
  • A trip is defined as the period starting from the point the insured person leaves his/ her residence for his/ her scheduled flight, continues throughout the entire journey and ends when the insured person reaches his/ her residence/ office or the place of start
  • Gross negligence is not covered
  • Any claim due to deliberate breach of law would not be payable.

  • Pilots, armed forces, police, air crew are not covered while on duty. They are covered only for a trip which is not a part of his/ her professional duties
  • In the event of air accidental death, the claim would be payable only if the same is reported to the call centre within 90 days from the date of accidental death.

  • Benefit will be paid if the insured person misses or fails to take the connecting international flight of an international airline due to delay in the arrival of another international flight, in which the insured person is travelling, beyond six hours of the scheduled arrival time. The Company shall be liable to pay the claim under this Section only if:
    1. The insured person has actually boarded the first international flight.
    2. The connecting international flight’s scheduled departure time is at least six hours after the scheduled arrival time of the first international flight.
  • Claim to be intimated to ICICI Lombard within 30 days of the incident.

  • In case of loss of passport, actual expenses incurred by the card holder to be covered for obtaining duplicate passport/ personal documents in the course of his/ her air travel
  • Claim to be intimated to ICICI Lombard within 30 days of the incident.

  • The insured person will be compensated in the event the international flight of an international airline wherein the insured person is travelling is hijacked, and the insured person has not been released before 12 hours by the hijackers
  • Claim to be intimated to ICICI Lombard within 30 days of the incident.

  • The insured person will be reimbursed for the expenses incurred for emergency purchase of basic essential items in the event that he suffers a delay in receiving baggage for more than 12 hours from the scheduled arrival time at the destination for baggage that has been checked-in by an international airline for an international flight
  • Geographical limit: Worldwide
  • A non-delivery certificate or Property Irregularity Report (PIR) must be obtained immediately from the international airline and it must be submitted to the Company in the event of a claim hereunder
  • No compensation certificate from international airlines to be submitted at the time of claim. Claimant should provide the invoices of basic essential items purchased during the event
  • Claim to be intimated to ICICI Lombard within 30 days of the incident.

  • The sum insured limit will be restricted to the credit limit under each card
  • PIN-based transactions (ATM, telephone) are not covered
  • Fraudulent, counterfeit and internet transactions are covered
  • Pre-delivery fraud and loss of card in transit are not covered
  • Terrorism is not covered
  • Any claim due to violation of law is not payable
  • The extent of coverage would be loss/ damage up to a maximum of seven days from the first date of loss/ theft of card
  • FIR to be mandatorily submitted in case of lost card. For counterfeit cases which happened in a foreign location, instead of FIR, bank’s investigation report can be accepted.

  • Skimming: Any fraudulent use of a bank card (s) where property, labour or services are sold and delivered by a merchant to an individual purporting to be the cardholder using telephone, fax machines, postal services or a computer-based system or network
  • Losses arising out of duplicate or counterfeit cards as issued by the bank created without the cardholder’s knowledge
  • Counterfeit card shall mean a card which has been embossed or printed so as to pass off as a card issued by the bank, which is subsequently altered or modified or tampered with without the consent of the bank named in Part I of the Schedule.
  • The extent of coverage would be loss/ damage up to a maximum of seven days from the first date of loss/ theft of card.

  • Internet Banking Frauds is defined as fraudulent transactions being made on the internet by using lost/ stolen/ cloned cards
  • Phishing/ Account takeover: Any fraudulent loss or damage arising due to information obtained by unauthorised access to sensitive information such as user names, passwords and any card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication which is not owned, operated or contracted by the insured person or his/ her Bank’s card processor
  • The policy covers all online fraudulent utilisation of Forex Prepaid Cards using the authorised Card Verification Value (CVV) Code issued to the cardholder by the bank
  • Covers liability arising out of any loss or damage of card transactions using the authorised PIN issued to the cardholder by the bank
  • Password-based transactions are not covered.