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Why Track Your Mutual Fund Investments?

Tracking your Mutual Fund investments is crucial for several reasons:

Stay Up-to-Date on Performance

Stay Up-to-Date on Performance

Tracking allows you to monitor the performance of your investments, ensuring they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance

Identify Opportunities and Risks

Identify Opportunities

Regular tracking helps you identify potential opportunities to rebalance your portfolio or adjust your investment strategy in response to market changes

Make Informed Decisions

Make Informed Decisions

Tracking provides valuable insights into your investments, enabling you to make informed decisions about your financial future

Minimise Emotional Investing

Minimise Emotional Investing

Tracking helps you stay informed and avoid making impulsive decisions.

How to Track Your Mutual Fund Investments?

Several methods can help you effectively track your Mutual Fund investments:

  1. Consolidated Account Statement (CAS): CAS provides a consolidated view of all your Mutual Fund investments across different asset management companies (AMCs). You can access it through the CAMS website or receive it by e-mail
  2. AMC Website/Mobile App: Most AMCs offer online portals or mobile apps where you can view your portfolio details and track performance
  3. Online Portfolio Trackers: Third-party financial platforms offer portfolio trackers that allow you to aggregate your investments from multiple AMCs
  4. Mutual Fund Fact Sheet: AMCs release monthly fact sheets that provide detailed information about their Mutual Fund schemes, including performance and portfolio composition
  5. Investment Advisor: Consider consulting a qualified investment advisor who can assist you in tracking your investments and providing financial guidance
  6. Mutual fund tracker: This can help you track all of your Mutual Fund investments in one place. Many different Mutual Fund trackers are available to meet your specific needs.

Frequency of Tracking

The frequency of tracking depends on your investment horizon and risk tolerance. Generally, reviewing your portfolio at least quarterly or annually is recommended. However, you may need to track more frequently if you're a more active investor or have a shorter investment horizon.

Importance of Regular Tracking

Regular tracking is essential for several reasons:

Early Identification of Issues

Early Identification of Issues

Tracking can help you identify potential investment problems early on, allowing you to take corrective action

Maintaining Investment Discipline

Maintaining Investment Discipline

Regular tracking helps you stay disciplined with your investment strategy and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations

Achieving Financial Goals

Achieving Financial Goals

Tracking ensures your investments remain aligned with your financial goals.


Monitoring of your Mutual Fund investments is pivotal to successful investing as it enables you to stay updated and make well-informed decisions. By maintaining a watchful eye on your portfolio using a Mutual Fund tracker, you can avoid market fluctuations, identify potential risks and capitalise on opportunities.