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Transaction Banking

Technologically advanced, convenient and prompt banking services are integral to any business. ICICI Bank delivers world-class banking services to the financial sector. From anytime, anywhere banking to comprehensive collection and payment services network.

New Personal Loan

Global Markets

ICICI Bank offers innovative FX services and products to its clients, based on its client's unique requirements by not only incorporating the best practices followed globally but also by leveraging technology to deliver bespoke solutions and user- friendly experience.

Top-up Personal Loan

Investment Banking

ICICI Bank's Global Investment Group services you through the entire length of your project. From advisory and strategising services to successfully executing profitable deals to handling all the banking requirements, ICICI Bank provides the support at all stages.

Personal Loan Balance Transfer

Project Finance

Project Finance is one of the key focus areas for ICICI Bank. The Project Finance Group has institutionalized capabilities to successfully manage the unique and multidimensional process of project finance transactions led by customized project structuring approach.

NRI Personal Loan