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Why should one calculate home loan eligibility through ICICI Bank website?

Our eligibility calculator gives the most accurate estimate of home loan that you can borrow from ICICI Bank. Our website also allows you to apply for instant sanction of your loan, even if you have not finalised the property.


Using this calculator involves a simple step-by-step process:

  1. Select Residential Status: Choose your residential status, whether you are a resident of India or a non-resident.
  2. Enter Property Location: Provide the location of the property for which you are seeking a home loan.
  3. Proceed and Fill in Basic Details: Enter your personal information, including your first name, middle name (if applicable), last name, date of birth, email address, and mobile number.
  4. Proceed and Enter Employment Type: Specify your employment type as either salaried, self-employed professional, or self-employed.
  5. Provide Financial Details: Fill in your monthly gross income, monthly net income, annual bonus (if any), and any existing EMIs you are paying monthly.
  6. Additional Incomes (Optional): If you have any additional sources of income, you can provide those details as well.
  7. Proceed to Work Details: Enter your company name and work experience.
  8. Check Eligibility: Click on the "Check Your Eligibility" button to calculate your eligibility and view plausible loan offers based on the information provided.

Home Loan Eligibility Calculator FAQ's'

Home Loan eligibility is the amount of Home Loan that a customer is eligible to get basis the details provided.

Home Loan eligibility of the salaried customer is calculated based on the current age, type of company employed in, age of retirement, etc.

Home Loan eligibility depends on various factors, such as monthly income, current age, profile of the customer, monthly obligations, credit history, retirement age, etc.

Home Loan eligibility can be enhanced by adding a co-borrower/opting for longer tenure loan/additional source of income.